World Health Day — 7th April, 2022

World Health Day

When you say you’re healthy, what exactly do you mean by that? Are you healthy physically? Are you healthy emotionally? Are you healthy socially? If your answer to these three questions is positive then you can truly say that you’re healthy otherwise, you need to work on your health because what else remains on the earth to cherish if not health? According to the World Health Organization, health is essential for the well-being and happiness of an individual. That is why we celebrate World Health Day which raises awareness among the people regarding the importance of their health and well-being.

When is World Health Day 2022?

World health day 2022 is going to be celebrated on April 7th, 2022. Every year, many people die because of chronic liver, heart, lung, and other health diseases, and each year our healthcare sector burns the midnight oil to give us the best possible treatment. World health day is celebrated to thank such heroes who have saved millions of lives and all those survivors who tackled chronic diseases with vigor and strength. On this day, the physical, mental, and social well-being of a person is celebrated and promoted all over the world.

History of World Health Day 

If we want to fully know about world health day, we will need to explore the World Health Organization as a whole. In 1945, various officials of Brazil and China proposed a motion to create an organization that will work internationally and it will remain independent from all the government powers. This motion was presented at the United Nations Conference in San Francisco. This certain international health organization would also be discussing all the health-related topics around the globe.

In July 1946, half a year later after the motion, the World Health Organization’s constitution got the approval of the majority of the countries in New York. On 7th April 1948, 61 countries signed an agreement and put the constitution into work.

Once the WHO was all set to handle the health-related work, the first official act of this organization was to create world health day. Thus in 1949 in the first health assembly, world health day was created to celebrate the health and well-being of humans all around the world. At first, the day was celebrated on July 22nd, 1949, but to encourage the participation of the students, the date changed to April 7th. The WHO believed that this date would be easier to remember. However, the day didn’t become official till 1950.

The first world health day was celebrated on 7th April 1950 and since then, various themes have been used by the Director-General of WHO to raise awareness about health and well-being among individuals. The themes are different each year and they are selected by the approval of the Director-General along with the rest of the member governments and staff.

In 2020, world health day sheds light on the role that our nurses and midwives play. We often consider doctors as our heroes but our nurses deserve the same level of appreciation, if not more. In the same year, the first State of the World’s Nursing Report came to the surface which allowed the healthcare sector to analyze what necessary measures it should take to optimize the contributions from nurses and midwives. In 2021, a similar report was generated but this time the subject area covered the Midwifery workforce.

With the help of world health day, people can highlight all the health-related issues that can affect the community on an international level. Various promotional programs are launched on world health day that keep on going long after the day is over to let us know the significance of health and well-being.

What is the Theme of World Health Day 2022?

The theme of world health day 2022 is Our Planet, Our Health. It’s been ages since we’ve all had a breath of fresh air, drank clean water, and had access to all kinds of food items we want. Can we imagine a world where we still have a chance to get all of this? Can we imagine a world where people not only take their health but the planet seriously as well? As of now, our planet has dealt with a deadly pandemic, pollution, and an increase in chronic diseases such as heart disease, asthma, cancer, etc. In 2022, world health day will pay specific attention to the livelihood of humans, how we can keep our planet healthy as well, and how we can establish societies that focus on nothing else than the well-being of people.

Our planet is our home, and thus, we must do everything in our power to protect it. According to an estimate by WHO, over 13 million people die each year because of easily avoidable environmental causes. One such environmental cause is the climate crisis which is every bit as important as a health crisis. The climate crisis can be considered pretty much our fault.

Many of our social, commercial, and political decisions have been the main factors behind this single most dangerous threat to our people and planet. The burning of fossil fuels contaminates the air we breathe in, mosquitos are transmitting deadly diseases to people, extreme weather conditions, water scarcity, and degradation of the land are the things that we must always keep in mind. All of these factors have been known to greatly affect the health and well-being of people worldwide. We are also responsible for endangering aquatic life by polluting the environment and throwing plastics into the sea. These plastics have even found their way to even the deepest oceans of the world. Our people eat the unhealthiest foods and beverages and put their life at stake by increasing the risk of cancer, heart disease, and obesity.

Science may have benefitted from the deadly COVID-19 but it also highlights the inadequacy of the world. The pandemic has shed a light on the weak links of the society and highlighted the need for the creation of sustainable well-being societies that will work towards maintaining the health of people along with our planet. Looking at the current economy of many countries, there are still high levels of poverty, instability, and inequality. A stable economy will ensure equal rights and the well-being of all the individuals and environment. Thus, on this world health day, let us join our hands and pledge towards making a world where not only us but our planet is healthy as well.

What is the Importance of World Health Day?

1. Makes us understand the importance of health and wellbeing

The well-being of a person has a deep impact on his or her functioning and increases life expectancy. Thus, all of us need to celebrate world health day and acknowledge the fact the well-being of a person is indeed necessary to live a happy life. Being one of the eight official global health campaigns of WHO, this day raises awareness regarding health and well-being in a variety of media reports and other activities.

2. You get a chance to learn something new

World health day comes with a different theme each year and because of that, we all learn something new each year. The theme of this day is chosen by WHO which tackles the most pressing health issue of the year. To spark awareness for that particular theme or subject area, the WHO holds meetings, conferences, and various activities in regard to it. In this way, we get to understand how important our health and well-being are.

3. The day helps us to reflect on our own health 

When you hear about people going through so much in their lives and fighting diseases like cancer, it makes you care about your own health and the ones you love. It makes you reflect on your own health and those around you. If you have an illness or know a friend who has one, you will immediately seek medical advice and potential treatment. In this way, you will not only take care of your own health but of your fellow humans as well.

Traditions of World Health Day 

World health day has been advocating health issues and healthcare since its inception through various campaigns. Each year, the day comes up with a different theme that is highlighted in various seminars, schools, discussion platforms, social media, workshops, and conferences. The main aim of this day is to raise awareness of all the health-related issues that people suffer from. It also aims to realize how fortunate we are if we’re healthy and living our lives happily.

The traditions of world health day include charity drives, bicycling, fundraisers, and hiking. Your mental health is as important as your physical health but we often neglect the former. World health day reminds us how important it is to take care of your mental well-being along with physical well-being. Therefore, in the honor of our mental health, this day encourages therapy and mediation. How can we forget about food? A balanced diet is key to living a healthy and long life. So, on this day, many restaurants come up with “meals of the day” to celebrate world health day in the best possible way!

How Can You Observe World Health Day?

1. Talk about the healthcare issue with your community 

The World Health Organization(WHO) provides a toolkit to the organizers that contain information regarding the healthcare issue they cover for the year. Anyone can access this toolkit and with the help of it, you will have enough knowledge to spark up a conversation with your community. Tell them about the healthcare issue and ways through which they can achieve physical, mental, and social well-being.

2. Do some digging and look at how far the health world has come 

World health day has been around us for the past 50 years and each year, it has covered a different healthcare issue, it lets you know how much the healthcare sector has established. Who knows you may learn a thing or two in the older information that can benefit you today.

3. Plant a tree 

Since this year’s theme is based on saving our people and the planet, you can plant a tree and make a viable contribution to society. We are the ones who made our environment detrimental but we can also be the ones who can save it. Thus, take some friends and family members on a trip down the countryside and plant as many trees as you can.

4. Run campaigns on social media

Social media has the power to influence anyone. You just need the right motive. Now, what can be the rightest motive other than saving our beautiful earth? Use your social media for a better cause on this day. You can post about climate change, spread information about well-being, and tell people how crucial it is to save our home, our planet.

5. Get involved with the events of world health day

World health day proves to be an ideal time to get involved with health-related issues and raise awareness regarding the well-being of people. If there is no event happening in your area, you can lend a hand to WHO and organize an event yourself. You can search for the events happening around the world and the ones that happened in the past. Take some information from them and initiate an event. It will surely help a lot more people than you can imagine.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What were the past themes of world health day?

Each world health day comes with a different theme. The themes of the past five years are mentioned below.

  • 2021: Build a fairer, healthier world
  • 2020: Support Nurses and Midwives
  • 2019: Universal Health Coverage – WHO’s number one goal
  • 2018: Universal Health Coverage – Everyone, everywhere
  • 2017: Depression

Is there a national holiday on world health day?

World health day is celebrated each year on the 7th of April and it is not considered a public holiday.

What is the best way to ensure that my health is in order?

Your body won’t lie to you. Listen to it. If you ever feel a little bit uneasy physically or emotionally, consult a healthcare professional right away! Other than that, keep exercising and eating healthy, you’ll be good to go. Also, don’t forget to sleep healthy.

Final Thoughts 

The fundamental right of a human is to live a long and healthy life. Every person deserves it irrespective of age, gender, employment, race, or religion. World health day is created to celebrate the well-being of people and to raise awareness of chronic diseases in the world. With this year’s theme, the World Health Organization has also shed light on a more pressing issue – our planet. On this day, make a promise to yourself that you will take care of your physical, emotional, and social wellbeing. Make a promise that you will take care of our planet. Make promises and stick to them.

Want to read about other important days in the month of April? Then click here.
Or if you want to read about important days of other months of the year, then check out “important days of the year” category.

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