Jedna ze stálic české SEO scény, Martin Matějka. Nezávislý SEO konzultant a online markeťák. Jinak také majitel internetového obchodu s miniaturními modely aut S Martinem si budeme tentokrát povídat o SEO, podnikání na internetu a o tom, jak se buduje e-shop v podstatě od nuly.
Pro některé je to novodobý Marek Prokop. Na rozdíl od Marka však nemá bradku jako Ježíš :-). Přitom se oba věnují stejnému oboru – SEO. Je představitelem mladé generace SEO konzultantů. Internetovému marketingu se věnuje řadu let. A navíc je to sympaťák od pohle...
Below is the answer and explanation for which SEMrush tool will guide you through the first steps in creating new content for target keywords?
Which SEMrush tool will guide you through the first steps in creating new content for target keywords?
My reports.
On page SEO checker.
Organic tra...
Below is the answer and explanation for you are the content strategist at the craft beer outlet company. You have 10 content specialists working with you. You have a business account at SEMrush and use SEO Writing assistant (SWA) Tool and want your employees to use it as well without registering an account at SEMrush. How do you manage everyone of them to access the SWA recommendations?
Below is the answer and explanation for you want to find out if you need to supplement your SEO with paid ads by finding which of your poorly performing organic keywords can be replaced with paid keywords. What will you do?
You want to find out if you need to supplement your SEO with paid ads by finding which of your poorly performing organic keywords can be replaced with paid keywords....
Below is the answer and explanation for SEMrush offers a free Position Tracking mobile app that allows you to measure the success of your SEO on the go, including ranking fluctuations, visibility and traffic trends, and more.
SEMrush offers a free Position Tracking mobile app that allows you to measure the success of your SEO on the go, including ranking fluctuations...
Below is the answer and explanation for why is search intent important?
Why is search intent important?
Helps you automatically optimize for UX signals. ✅
Helps Google index more of your pages.
Makes it easier to implement on-page SEO.
Improves average page loading speed.
Correct answer
Below is the answer and explanation for what are the most important aspects of content for SEO? Choose two correct answers.
What are the most important aspects of content for SEO? Choose two correct answers.
Addressing user needs. ✅
Publishing high quality content. ✅
Analýza klíčových slov je proces vyhledávání výrazů, které které uživatelé při vyhledávání na internetu používají nejčastěji. Hlavním cílem analýzy klíčových slov je najít nejziskovější a nejvyhledávanější klíčová slova, která přitom nejsou vysoce konkurenční.
Pro definování marketingové strategie by měla být prvním krokem