Tags search ads 360 google

Where can a saved web query be found?

Below is the answer and explanation for the question where can a saved web query be found? Where can a saved web query be found? In the left-hand menu, click Budget Management, then Web Query In the right-hand menu, Click Advertiser Settings, then Web Query In the right-hand menu, click Attribution, then Web Query

Which three engines are supported by the Search Ads 360 API? (select three) Select All Correct Responses

Below is the answer and explanation for the question which three engines are supported by the Search Ads 360 API? (select three) select all correct responses Which three engines are supported by the Search Ads 360 API? (select three) Select All Correct Responses om Google Ads ✅ Bing ✅

At which three levels can automated rules be set up? (select three) select all correct responses

Below is the answer and explanation for the question at which three levels can automated rules be set up? (select three) select all correct responses At which three levels can automated rules be set up? (select three) select all correct responses Agency Engines ✅ Campaigns ✅

What conversion data can be uploaded using bulksheets?

Below is the answer and explanation for the question what conversion data can be uploaded using bulksheets? What conversion data can be uploaded using bulksheets? Google Analytics goal data Google Ads conversions data Custom Floodlight variable data Offline conversion data ✅ c...

What is the Search Ads 360 account hierarchy?

Below is the answer and explanation for the question what is the search ads 360 account hierarchy? What is the Search Ads 360 account hierarchy? gency > Advertiser > Engine > Campaign > Ad Group > Ad > Keyword Agency > Advertiser > Engine > Campaign > Keyword Advertiser > Engine >...

What setting should be applied to a floodlight tag passing offline conversion data?

Below is the answer and explanation for the question what setting should be applied to a floodlight tag passing offline conversion data? What setting should be applied to a Floodlight tag passing offline conversion data? Image tag only Dynamic tag Primary source is retail Primary source is offline ✅

When a Search Ads 360 advertiser is added with a different currency than the linked Campaign Manager advertiser, which product sets the currency for that Search Ads 360 advertiser?

Below is the answer and explanation for the question when a search ads 360 advertiser is added with a different currency than the linked campaign manager advertiser, which product sets the currency for that search ads 360 advertiser? When a Search Ads 360 advertiser is added with a different currency than the linked Campaign Manager advertiser, whi...

What permissions are needed to create an advertiser?

Below is the answer and explanation for the question what permissions are needed to create an advertiser? What permissions are needed to create an advertiser? Read-only Advertiser viewer Advertiser user (edit access) Agency Manager ✅ correct answer Agency Manag...

Which three URLs are involved in a landing page test? (select three)Select All Correct Responses

Below is the answer and explanation for the question which three URLs are involved in a landing page test? (select three) select all correct responses Which three URLs are involved in a landing page test? (select three) select all correct responses Rule Experiment ✅ Control ✅

If bids on keywords in a bid strategy are manually overwritten, how long will it take for the bid strategy to resume bidding on those keywords?

Below is the answer and explanation for the question if bids on keywords in a bid strategy are manually overwritten, how long will it take for the bid strategy to resume bidding on those keywords? If bids on keywords in a bid strategy are manually overwritten, how long will it take for the bid strategy to resume bidding on those keywords? ...
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