Tags NPS

How do you calculate NPS?

Below is the answer and explanation for how do you calculate NPS? How do you calculate NPS? Percentage of promoters minus percentage of passives. Percentage of promoters minus percentage of detractors, divided by percentage of passives. Percentage of promoters minus percentage of d...

True of false? You can edit the NPS question in HubSpot.

Below is the answer and explanation for true of false? you can edit the NPS question in hubspot. True of false? you can edit the NPS question in hubspot. True. False. ✅ Correct answer False. ✅ The above answer is related to HubSpot service hub softwar...

What is a buyer persona? (Duplicate 2)

Below is the answer and explanation for what is a buyer persona? What is a buyer persona? A realistic representation of your current customers based on their prior purchases and NPS scores. A semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on real data and some select educated speculation. ✅

Customer loyalty surveys in HubSpot track which customer sentiment metric?

Below is the answer and explanation for customer loyalty surveys in Hubspot track which customer sentiment metric? Customer loyalty surveys in Hubspot track which customer sentiment metric? Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT). Customer Effort Score (CES). Net Promoter Score (NPS)....

Which customer sentiment metric is the strongest predictor of future purchase behavior?

Below is the answer and explanation for which customer sentiment metric is the strongest predictor of future purchase behavior? Which customer sentiment metric is the strongest predictor of future purchase behavior? Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT). Customer Effort Score (CES). ✅

Customer satisfaction surveys in HubSpot track which customer sentiment metric?

Below is the answer and explanation for customer satisfaction surveys in Hubspot track which customer sentiment metric? Customer satisfaction surveys in Hubspot track which customer sentiment metric? Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT). ✅ Customer Effort Score (CES).
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