Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following represents a phrase match keyword?
Which of the following represents a phrase match keyword?
+Smart tv.
-Smart tv.
[Smart tv].
“Smart tv”. ✅
Correct answer
Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following represents an exact match keyword?
Which of the following represents an exact match keyword?
“Dog treats”.
[Dog treats]. ✅
Dog treats.
-Dog treats.
Correct answ...
Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following represents a broad match keyword?
Which of the following represents a broad match keyword?
Wall art. ✅
“Wall art”.
Wall +art.
-Wall art.
Correct answer
Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following represents a phrase match keyword?
Which of the following represents a phrase match keyword?
+Smart tv.
-Smart tv.
[Smart tv].
“Smart tv”. ✅
Correct answer...
Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following represents an exact match keyword?
Which of the following represents an exact match keyword?
“Dog treats”.
[Dog treats]. ✅
Dog treats.
-Dog treats.
Correct answ...