Tags homepage

Where do you want to place a navigation menu?

Below is the answer and explanation for where do you want to place a navigation menu? Where do you want to place a navigation menu? Just at the top of each website page. Just in the footer of each website page. Above the fold and in the footer of each website page. ✅ At the top of the homepage and only...

The language of the user’s choice is set by:

Below is the answer and explanation for the language of the user’s choice is set by: The language of the user’s choice is set by: Their choice on your homepage. Their browser. ✅ Their contact record. Their first form submission. Correct answer Their browser. ✅...

All of the following are ways to improve the mobile experience for a website visitor EXCEPT:

Below is the answer and explanation for all of the following are ways to improve the mobile experience for a website visitor except: All of the following are ways to improve the mobile experience for a website visitor except: Create a shorter version of your forms. Add your phone number as a click-to-call link on the homepage. Hide any...

Your colleague Jana wants to add contextual marketing to your organization’s homepage. She wants to target your company’s top buyer persona “Copywriter Charles.” What would you suggest for Jana to do next in planning a contextual marketing stra

Below is the answer and explanation for your colleague Jana wants to add contextual marketing to your organization’s homepage. She wants to target your company’s top buyer persona “copywriter Charles.” What would you suggest for Jana to do next in planning a contextual marketing strategy? Your colleague Jana wants to add contextual marketing to your organization’s ho...

All of the following are key places your videos can appear on YouTube EXCEPT:

Below is the answer and explanation for all of the following are key places your videos can appear on YouTube except: All of the following are key places your videos can appear on YouTube except: In search results. On the homepage. On a sponsored page. ✅ In the trending system. In subscriptions...

True or False? The further away a page is from the homepage, the worse it is for that page’s SEO.

Below is the answer and explanation for true or false? the further away a page is from the homepage, the worse it is for that page’s SEO. True or false? the further away a page is from the homepage, the worse it is for that page’s SEO. True. ✅ False. Correct answer True. ✅ T...

What is the name of the URL element that is present on every page except the homepage?

Below is the answer and explanation for what is the name of the URL element that is present on every page except the homepage? What is the name of the URL element that is present on every page except the homepage? Subdomain. Slug. ✅ TLD. Pro...

The Internal link distribution chart in Site Audit shows:

Below is the answer and explanation for the internal link distribution chart in site audit shows: The internal link distribution chart in site audit shows: Distribution across your website’s pages by the number of clicks away from the homepage. Distribution of links across three groups of pages with diffe...
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