Below is the answer and explanation for what is the goal of the “plan” step in the sprint cycle?
What is the goal of the “plan” step in the sprint cycle?
To determine the most impactful action items to implement to get closer to the current focus metric goal. ✅
To get face time with the team an...
Below is the answer and explanation for imagine your team is reviewing the required work to complete the strategy stage. Upon reviewing, your boss asks, “What is the Jobs to be done step?” Which of the following responses would be the best?
Imagine your team is reviewing the required work to complete the strategy stage. Upon reviewing, your boss asks, “What is the Jo...
Below is the answer and explanation for imagine while planning your yearly budget, your CEO asks you, “We have many people asking for funding. Why should we invest in continuous improvement? Can’t we just stop at the launch pad website?” What is the best response?
Imagine while planning your yearly budget, your CEO asks you, “We have many people asking for funding. W...
Below is the answer and explanation for when customizing your launch pad acceleration approach, which of the following possible acceleration methods should you not use?
When customizing your launch pad acceleration approach, which of the following possible acceleration methods should you not use?
Launch and expand.
Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following factors is not important to determine during the website goals step?
Which of the following factors is not important to determine during the website goals step?
The number of high-impact pages required to build on the new website. ✅
Below is the answer and explanation for fill in the blank: the continuous improvement stage is a repeatable, process for the team to continuously collect , build, and generate more momentum as they go.
Fill in the blank: the continuous improvement stage is a repeatable, process for the team to continuously collect , build, and generate more momentum as they go....
Below is the answer and explanation for true or false? it’s important to code a marketer-friendly website.
True or false? it’s important to code a marketer-friendly website.
True this removes bottlenecks, allows your team to move faster, and keeps developers building interesting projects versus spending their time making small u...
Below is the answer and explanation for what is the difference between a launch pad website and a traditional website?
What is the difference between a launch pad website and a traditional website?
The end result is a fully built website for both. It’s the behind-the-scenes process involved in the launch pad site that the compan...
Below is the answer and explanation for how many action items should you aim to complete in each sprint cycle?
How many action items should you aim to complete in each sprint cycle?
Start at the top of the prioritized wish list and select as many action items as you can complete based on the effort required by each item and the...
Below is the answer and explanation for true or false? a launch pad website doesn’t contain any content. It’s a functional prototype of what the website will look like when it’s done.
True or false? a launch pad website doesn’t contain any content. It’s a functional prototype of what the website will look like when it’s done.