Below is the answer and explanation for Tim is looking to buy a new skateboard. He goes to Google search to research and purchase the best skateboard he can find. Organize the following steps in the logical order to describe how Tim’s interaction with Google search ads would occur from start to finish.
Tim is looking to buy a new skateboard. He goes to Google search...
Below is the answer and explanation for your client wants to reach customers who are browsing content relevant to the company’s keywords and highly likely to buy their products.
Your client wants to reach customers who are browsing content relevant to the company’s keywords and highly likely to buy their products.
Uses keywords to target web pag...
Below is the answer and explanation for someone browsing the internet sees Google AdWords display ad for laptop computers on a Google display network site, but does not click on it.
Someone browsing the internet sees Google AdWords display ad for laptop computers on a Google display network site, but does not click on it.
Track the IP addresses of the users who saw the ad
Below is the answer and explanation for Mimi wants to reach people searching for baked goods, but only wants her ads to show during the hours she’s open for business. Which campaign type is a good fit?
Mimi wants to reach people searching for baked goods, but only wants her ads to show during the hours she’s open for business. Which campaign type is a good fit?...
Below is the answer and explanation for why would the data for a search network campaign show conversions but no view-through conversions?
Why would the data for a search network campaign show conversions but no view-through conversions?
A view-through conversion is counted when someone sees an image or rich media ad on the display network but d...
Below is the answer and explanation for small-business owner Marcos set up his Google ads campaign by thinking of “obvious” keywords off of the top of his head. What’s one way he might improve them?
Small-business owner Marcos set up his Google ads campaign by thinking of “obvious” keywords off of the top of his head. What’s one way he might improve them?
Below is the answer and explanation for Donna sells t-shirts featuring vintage album covers. She wants people searching for unusual t-shirts to find her website,
Donna sells t-shirts featuring vintage album covers. She wants people searching for unusual t-shirts to find her website,
“Display network only – All features”.
“Display network only – Remarketing”....
Below is the answer and explanation for why might you use the “search network campaigns with display opt-in” campaign type?
Why might you use the “search network campaigns with display opt-in” campaign type?
You can use one budget to advertise on the search network and display network. ✅
Your ads only show on the first p...
Below is the answer and explanation for a standard Google ads text ad is made up of:
A standard Google ads text ad is made up of:
A display URL and description text.
A headline, image, and description text.
A headline and description text.
A headline, a display URL, and description text. ✅
Below is the answer and explanation for your Google search text ad has three main components. The first is a headline, and the second is a description. What’s the third component?
Your Google search text ad has three main components. The first is a headline, and the second is a description. What’s the third component?
The promotion behind your advertise...