Tags google ads video assessment

Dan owns a farm supply store that sells plows to farmers. His suppliers released a new plow, and he wants to get the word out to his existing customers using google ads. He’s got the information needed to create a customer match audience, but h

Below is the answer and explanation for the question Dan owns a farm supply store that sells plows to farmers. His suppliers released a new plow, and he wants to get the word out to his existing customers using google ads. He’s got the information needed to create a customer match audience, but he’s not sure where he needs to upload this information. Where does D...

Which of YouTube’s consideration and interest ad formats are skippable ads, bought on a cost-per-view basis?

Below is the answer and explanation for the question which of YouTube’s consideration and interest ad formats are skippable ads, bought on a cost-per-view basis? Which of YouTube’s consideration and interest ad formats are skippable ads, bought on a cost-per-view basis? TrueView discovery ads Customer match ads Outst...

An effective bumper ad created, according to Google’s best practices, includes a combination of branding, audio, and breaking the fourth wall — or speaking directly to the camera. What does Google recommend you avoid using in your bumper ad?

Below is the answer and explanation for the question an effective bumper ad created, according to Google’s best practices, includes a combination of branding, audio, and breaking the fourth wall — or speaking directly to the camera. What does Google recommend you avoid using in your bumper ad? An effective bumper ad created, according to Google’s b...

In a bumper ad, how much time is usually required to stick the landing?

Below is the answer and explanation for the question in a bumper ad, how much time is usually required to stick the landing? In a bumper ad, how much time is usually required to stick the landing? One second Four seconds According to Google, there’s no average length for this metric in bumper ads. Tw...

Marta wants to create a TrueView for action campaign to grow sales of her products. She knows her history with YouTube conversions will determine which smart bidding option she’ll have to use. What are the two smart bidding options available in

Below is the answer and explanation for the question Marta wants to create a TrueView for action campaign to grow sales of her products. She knows her history with YouTube conversions will determine which smart bidding option she’ll have to use. What are the two smart bidding options available in TrueView for action campaigns? Marta wants to create a TrueView for action campaign to grow...

Jana is building new creatives for her Youtube campaign, following the ABCDs of YouTube advertising. Her creatives use real people in a fast-paced setting to attract viewers. Audio and video communicate her logo and brand messaging. She’s creat

Below is the answer and explanation for the question Jana is building new creatives for her Youtube campaign, following the ABCDs of YouTube advertising. Her creatives use real people in a fast-paced setting to attract viewers. Audio and video communicate her logo and brand messaging. She’s created a connection using action to evoke excitement in her viewers. What recommendation from the ABCDs...

Users choose YouTube because it allows them to join an online community. This allows YouTube advertisers to reach these users much more effectively. What are two other reasons that users choose YouTube? (choose 2.)

Below is the answer and explanation for the question users choose YouTube because it allows them to join an online community. This allows YouTube advertisers to reach these users much more effectively. What are two other reasons that users choose YouTube? (choose 2.) Users choose YouTube because it allows them to join an online community. This allows YouTube advertisers to reach these u...

Myra’s newest client uses a CRM to keep track of customer information. They’d like to use this data to engage past customers with a YouTube campaign promoting their newest product line. Which intent audience solution on YouTube should Myra sele

Below is the answer and explanation for the question Myra’s newest client uses a CRM to keep track of customer information. They’d like to use this data to engage past customers with a YouTube campaign promoting their newest product line. Which intent audience solution on YouTube should Myra select for this campaign? Myra’s newest client uses a CRM to keep track of customer information....

Google created the ABCDs of YouTube to help advertisers get the most from their creatives. You attract attention from the beginning, brand naturally and meaningfully, and connect with your viewer through emotion and storytelling. What’s the fin

Below is the answer and explanation for the question Google created the ABCDs of YouTube to help advertisers get the most from their creatives. You attract attention from the beginning, brand naturally and meaningfully, and connect with your viewer through emotion and storytelling. What’s the final recommendation contained in the ABCDs of YouTube? Google created the ABCDs of YouTube to...

Iryna is creating a six-second bumper ad for YouTube and wants to follow Google’s best practices. She’s planning to use her product in the video along with her company’s jingle. She knows there’s another best practice that has to do with breaki

Below is the answer and explanation for the question Iryna is creating a six-second bumper ad for YouTube and wants to follow Google’s best practices. She’s planning to use her product in the video along with her company’s jingle. She knows there’s another best practice that has to do with breaking the fourth wall. What does breaking the fourth wall refer to when creating a bumper ad? I...
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