Tags Google ads certification

How can you attract social media users to share your video content online?

Below is the answer and explanation for how can you attract social media users to share your video content online? How can you attract social media users to share your video content online? Tag them in posts. ✅ Use hashtags. Make them funny. U...

Which form of targeting would you use to display ads to people who have previously visited your website?

Below is the answer and explanation for which form of targeting would you use to display ads to people who have previously visited your website? Which form of targeting would you use to display ads to people who have previously visited your website? Search advertising. Reacquiring. Rea...

There are lots of social media platforms out there, but what is a benefit of using smaller, more niche social media platforms for your business?

Below is the answer and explanation for there are lots of social media platforms out there, but what is a benefit of using smaller, more niche social media platforms for your business? There are lots of social media platforms out there, but what is a benefit of using smaller, more niche social media platforms for your business? People o...

Mobile advertising is a great tool for marketers, but all that good work could be undone if your website isn’t what?

Below is the answer and explanation for mobile advertising is a great tool for marketers, but all that good work could be undone if your website isn’t what? Mobile advertising is a great tool for marketers, but all that good work could be undone if your website isn’t what? Optimised for different devices. ✅

How can you attract social media users to share your video content online?

Below is the answer and explanation for how can you attract social media users to share your video content online? How can you attract social media users to share your video content online? Tag them in posts. ✅ Use hashtags. Make them funny. U...

Which of the following factors can impact the open rate of your email campaigns?

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following factors can impact the open rate of your email campaigns? Which of the following factors can impact the open rate of your email campaigns? The amount of links contained in the email. The number of images in your email. The...

With more and more users using mobile to look at websites, it is key that you optimise your site so users can find it when searching online. Which two elements should you look to optimise for improved SEO performance?

Below is the answer and explanation for with more and more users using mobile to look at websites, it is key that you optimise your site so users can find it when searching online. Which two elements should you look to optimise for improved SEO performance? With more and more users using mobile to look at websites, it is key that you optimise your site so users can f...

Retargeting allows you to…

Below is the answer and explanation for retargeting allows you to. Retargeting allows you to… Target users, based on the specific actions they take on your site. ✅ Target people, based on their likes and interests. Appear higher within the search results.

Which of the following actions would be most effective for a business to take in order to help them progress towards achieving their content marketing goals?

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following actions would be most effective for a business to take in order to help them progress towards achieving their content marketing goals? Which of the following actions would be most effective for a business to take in order to help them progress towards achieving their content marketing goals?

Building a plan will help you to focus your efforts when using social media. What should you consider when making your social media plan?

Below is the answer and explanation for building a plan will help you to focus your efforts when using social media. What should you consider when making your social media plan? Building a plan will help you to focus your efforts when using social media. What should you consider when making your social media plan? Your audience’s data.
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