Below is the answer for Priya only has $500 a month to spend on her campaign, but she needs to drive as many potential customers as possible to her website. What type of automated bidding strategy would be best for Priya’s campaign?
Priya only has $500 a month to spend on her campaign, but she needs to drive as many potential customers as possible to her website.
Below is the answer and explanation for you can leverage Google ads’ automated bidding strategy to help get the most from your advertising budget. What are two benefits of using automated bidding?
You can leverage Google ads’ automated bidding strategy to help get the most from your advertising budget. What are two benefits of using automated bidding?
Below is the answer and explanation for Jasmine is the director of marketing for a chain of clothing stores. She’s been given a set budget and needs to drive as many potential customers to her website as possible. What automated bidding strategy should she use in her campaign?
Jasmine is the director of marketing for a chain of clothing stores. She’s been given a set...
Below is the answer and explanation for Siona needs to make sure her ads are getting a minimum number of impressions on the top of the page. What type of automated bidding strategy is Siona using?
Siona needs to make sure her ads are getting a minimum number of impressions on the top of the page. What type of automated bidding strategy is Siona using?