Ampere definition
Table of ampere unit prefixes
How to convert amps to microamps (μA)
How to convert amps to milliamps (mA)
How to convert amps to kiloamps (kA)
Below is the answer and explanatin for an advertiser should consider using responsive display ads because this type of ads are created automatically from your images, videos, headlines, logos, and descriptions.
Why should an advertiser consider using responsive display ads?
They offer unlimited placement across the web for a lower overall cost than othe...
Below is the answer and explanation for Mary wants to run a text ad on the Google search network. She’s new to text ads and needs to start with the basics. What are the three components of a text ad on the Google search network that Mary will need to know?
Mary wants to run a text ad on the Google search network. She’s new to text ads and needs to start with the basi...
Below is the answer and explanation for the question AMP ______ the page ______ waiting for resources to download:
AMP ______ the page ______ waiting for resources to download:
Indexes; while
Caches; before
Lays out; without ✅
Displays; after
correct answer
Lays out; without ✅
Below is the answer and explanation for what does AMP stand for?
What does AMP stand for?
Agile main page.
Advanced mobile performance.
Artificial mobile presentation.
Accelerated mobile page. ✅
Correct answer
Accelerated mobile page. ✅
The above answer is...
Below is the answer and explanation for choose a valid statement about AMP:
Choose a valid statement about AMP:
Using AMP is the only way to get into the Google news carousel/box. ✅
AMP implementation is easy, there’s no need to rewrite HTML and build a new CSS.
CSS files do not need to be inlined as non-blockin...
Below is the answer and explanation for choose the right statement about AMP:
Choose the right statement about AMP:
AMP implementation is easy, there’s no need to rewrite HTML and build a new CSS.
A regular website can never be as fast as an AMP version.
CSS files are not necessary to be inlined as non-blocking comparing to a regular v...
Below is the answer and explanation for what’s better for your business? AMP or PWA?
What’s better for your business? AMP or PWA?
It depends on what kind of business you have and how your customers find you. ✅