Keyboard Special Characters

What is a Special Character?

A special character is a character that is not an alphabetic or numeric character. Punctuation marks and other symbols are examples of special characters. Unlike alphanumeric characters, special characters may have multiple uses. For example, when creating a web page with HTML, the quote (“) symbol is used to store attribute values. Because the quote is used in HTML, to use it on a web page, the extended special HTML character code “"” needs to be used. Also, like HTML, special characters may need to be escaped when used in the programming languages and command line to prevent problems.

Special Characters On Keyboard

Writing special characters on the keyboard can be very confusing for many users, and in that case, you can learn a few keyboard shortcuts to solve the problem within a matter of a second. However, you cannot remember all of these keyboard shortcuts as there are hundreds of Keyboard special characters.

Generally, people make use of 5-10 keyboard shortcuts. However, there are many easy ways by which these keyboard special characters can be written.

The three basic approaches are:

  1. Ctrl Alt  + “some key
  2. Alt + “some number
  3. Some key“, Shift + ” some key

The latter method is known as ASCII, which is applicable with on numerical section of the keyboard; however, it’s unnecessary in many cases as it’s not used in the latest laptops. Therefore, it’s better to learn keyboard shortcuts using Ctrl and Alt keyboards.

Now let’s move ahead and learn how these special characters on keyboard is written.  

List of All Special Characters on Keyboard

White/Classic Smiley☺

Alt + 1

How to write/type a white/classic smiley face emojis on keyboard-Alt + 1?

Black Smiling face ☻

Alt + 2

How to write/type a black smiley face emojis on keyboard- Alt + 2?

Heart symbol ♥

Alt + 3

How to write/type black heart symbol/emojis on keyboard- Alt + 3?

Diamond Suit ♦

Alt + 4

How to write/type black diamond suit emoji/symbol on keyboard- Alt + 4?

Black Club Suit ♣

Alt+ 5

How to write/type playing card symbols/emojis on keyboard

Black Spade Suit ♠

Alt + 6

How to write/type playing card symbols/emojis on keyboard

Bullet •

Alt + 7

How to write/type bullet symbols/emojis on keyboard- Alt + 7

Inverse Bullet ◘

Alt + 8

How to write/type inverse bullet symbols/emojis on keyboard- Alt + 8

White Circle ○

Alt + 9

How to write/type circle bullet symbols/emojis on keyboard- Alt + 9

Inverse White Circle ◙

Alt + 10

How to write/type circle bullet symbols/emojis on keyboard- Alt + 10

Male Sign Emoji ♂

Alt + 11

How to write/type male sign emojis/symbols on keyboard- Alt + 11

Female Sign Emoji ♀

Alt + 12

How to write/type female sign emojis/symbols on keyboard- Alt + 12

Eighth Note Emoji ♪

Alt + 13

How to write/type eighth note emojis/symbols on keyboard- Alt + 13

Eighth Note/Music Symbol ♫

Alt + 14

How to write/type music emojis/symbols on keyboard- Alt + 14

White Sun ☼

Alt + 15

How to write/type white sun emojis/symbols on keyboard- Alt + 15

Black Right Pointing Pointer ►

Alt + 16

How to write/type black right-pointing triangle/pointer emojis/symbols on keyboard- Alt + 16

Black Left Pointing Pointer ◄      

Alt +17

How to write/type black left-pointing triangle/pointer emojis/symbols on keyboard- Alt + 17

Up Down Arrow ↕

Alt + 18

How to write/type black updown arrow emojis/symbols on keyboard- Alt + 18

Double Exclamation Mark ‼

Alt + 19

How to write/type double exclamation mark emojis/symbols on keyboard- Alt + 19

Pilcrow/Paragraph ¶ 

Alt + 20

How to write/type pilcrow/paragraph emoji/symbol on keyboard- Alt + 20

Section Symbol §

Alt + 21

How to write/type double S/section emoji/symbol on keyboard- Alt + 21

Black Rectangle ▬

Alt + 22

How to write/type black rectangle emoji/symbol on keyboard- Alt + 22

Up Down Arrow With Base ↨

Alt + 23

How to write/type up down arrow with base emoji/symbol on keyboard- Alt + 23

Upward Arrow ↑

Alt + 24

How to write/type upward arrow emoji/symbol on keyboard- Alt + 24

Downward Arrow ↓

Alt + 25

How to write/type downward arrow emoji/symbol on keyboard- Alt + 25

Rightwards Arrow →

Alt + 26

How to write/type right arrow emoji/symbol on keyboard- Alt + 26

Leftwards Arrow ←

Alt + 27

How to write/type leftward/left arrow emoji/symbol on keyboard- Alt + 27

Right Angle ∟

Alt + 28

How to make/type right angle symbol/emoji on keyboard- Alt + 28

Left Right Arrow ↔

Alt + 29

How to write/type left-right arrow symbol/emoji on keyboard- Alt + 29

Black Up-pointing Triangle ▲

Alt +30

How to write/type left-right arrow symbol/emoji on keyboard- Alt + 29

Black Down-pointing Triangle ▼

Alt + 31

How to write/type black down-pointing triangle symbol/emoji on keyboard- Alt + 30

Exclamation Mark!

Alt + 33

How to write/type exclamation mark symbol/emoji on keyboard- Alt + 33

Quotation Marks “

Alt + 34

How to write/type double quotation mark symbol/emoji on keyboard- Alt + 34

Number Sign #

Alt + 35

Dollar Sign $

Alt + 36

Percentage Sign %

Alt + 37

Ampersand/And &

Alt + 38

Apostrophe ‘

Alt + 39

Left Parenthesis (

Alt + 40

Right Parenthesis )

Alt + 41

Asterisk *

Alt + 42

Plus Sign +

Alt + 43

Comma ,

Alt + 44

Hyphen –

Alt + 45

Full Stop .

Alt + 46

Slash /

Alt + 47

Zero 0

Alt + 48

One 1

Alt + 49

Two 2

Alt + 50

Three 3

Alt + 51

Four 4

Alt + 52

Five 5

Alt + 53

Six 6

Alt + 54

Seven 7

Alt + 55

Eight 8

Alt + 56

Nine 9

Alt + 57

Colon :

Alt + 58

Semi Colon ;

Alt + 59

Less than <

Alt + 60

Equal to =

Alt + 61

Greater than >

Alt + 62

Question Mark ?

Alt + 63

At/Adress Sign @

Alt + 64

Capital A

Alt + 65

Capital B

Alt + 66

Capital C

Alt + 67

Capital D

Alt + 68

Capital E

Alt + 69

Capital F

Alt + 70

Capital G

Alt + 71

Capital H

Alt + 72

Capital I

Alt + 73

Capital J

Alt + 74

Capital K

Alt + 75

Capital L

Alt + 76

Capital M

Alt + 77

Capital N

Alt + 78

Capital O

Alt + 79

Capital P

Alt + 80

Capital Q

Alt + 81

Capital R

Alt + 82

Capital S

Alt + 83

Capital T

Alt + 84

Capital U

Alt + 85

Capital V

Alt + 86

Capital W

Alt + 87

Capital X

Alt + 88

Capital Y

Alt + 89

Capital Z

Alt + 90

Left Square Bracket [

Alt + 91

Backslash \

Alt + 92

Right Square Bracket ]

Alt + 93

Caret ^

Alt + 94

Underscore _

Alt + 95

Back Quote `

Alt + 96

Small a

Alt + 97

Small b

Alt + 98

Small c

Alt + 99

Small  d

Alt + 100

Small e

Alt + 101

Small f

Alt + 102

Small g

Alt + 103

Small h

Alt + 104

Small i

Alt + 105

Small j

Alt + 106

Small k

Alt + 107

Small l

Alt + 108

Small m

Alt + 109

Small n

Alt + 110

Small o

Alt + 111

Small p

Alt + 112

Small q

Alt + 113

Small r

Alt + 114

Small s

Alt + 115

Small t

Alt + 116

Small u

Alt + 117

Small v

Alt + 118

Small w

Alt + 119

Small x

Alt + 120

Small y

Alt + 121

Small z

Alt + 122

Left Curly Bracket {

Alt + 123

Vertical Bar

Alt + 124

Right Curly Bracket }

Alt + 125

Approximately Equal ~

Alt + 126

House ⌂

Alt + 127

Cent Ç

Alt + 155

Pound £

Alt + 156

Yen and Yuan ¥

Alt + 157

Peseta(s) ₧

Alt + 158

Florin ƒ

Alt + 159

Lowercase ñ

Alt + 164

Uppercase Ñ

Alt + 165

Feminine Ordinal Indicator ª

Alt + 166

Degree º

Alt + 167

Inverted Question Mark ¿

Alt + 168

Registered Trademark

Alt + 169

Not ¬

Alt + 170

One Half ½

Alt + 171

Quarter ¼

Alt + 172

Inverted Exclamation Mark ¡

Alt + 173

Left-pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark «

Alt + 174

Right-pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark »

Alt + 175

Value Scale Light Shade ░

Alt + 176

Value Scale Medium Shade ▒

Alt + 177

Value Scale Dark Shade ▓

Alt + 178

Box Drawings Light Vertical │

Alt + 179

Box Drawings Light Vertical and Left ┤

Alt + 180

Box Drawings Vertical Single and Left Double ╡

Alt + 181

Box Drawings Vertical Double and Left Single ╢

Alt + 182

Box Drawings Down Double and Left Single ╖

Alt  + 183

Box Drawings Down Single and Left Double ╕

Alt + 184

Box Drawings Double Vertical and Left ╣

Alt + 185

Box Drawings Double Vertical ║

Alt + 186

Box Drawings Double Down and Left ╗

Alt + 187

Box Drawings Double Up and Left ╝

Alt + 188

Box Drawings Up Double and Left Single ╜

Alt + 189

Box Drawings Up Single and Left Double ╛

Alt + 190

Box Drawings Light Down and Left ┐

Alt + 191

Box Drawings Light Up and Right └

Alt + 192

Box Drawings Light Up and Horizontal ┴

Alt + 193

Box Drawings Light Down and Horizontal ┬

Alt + 194

Box Drawings Light Vertical and Right ├

Alt + 195

Box Drawings Light Horizontal ─

Alt + 196

Box Drawings Light Vertical and Horizontal ┼

Alt + 197

Box Drawings Vertical Single and Left Double ╞

Alt + 198

Box Drawings Vertical Double and Right Single ╟

Alt + 199

Box Drawings Double Up and Right ╚

Alt + 200

Box Drawings Double Down and Right ╔

Alt + 201

Box Drawings Double Up and Horizontal ╩

Alt + 202

Box Drawings Double Down and Horizontal ╦

Alt + 203

Box Drawings Double Vertical and Right  ╠

Alt + 204

Box Drawings Double Horizontal ═

Alt + 205

Box Drawings Double Vertical and Horizontal ╬

Alt + 206

Box Drawings Up Single and Horizontal Double ╧

Alt + 207

Box Drawings Up Double and Horizontal Single ╨

Alt + 208

Box Drawings Down Single and Horizontal Double ╤

Alt + 209

Box Drawings Down Double and Horizontal Single ╥

Alt + 210

Box Drawings Up Double and Right Single ╙

Alt + 211

Box Drawings Up Single and Right Double ╘

Alt + 212

Box Drawings Down Single and Right Double ╒

Alt + 213

Box Drawings Down Double and Right Single ╓

Alt + 214

Box Drawings Vertical Double and Horizontal Single ╫

Alt + 215

Box Drawings Vertical Single and Horizontal Double ╪

Alt + 216

Box Drawings Light Up and Left ┘

Alt + 217

Box Drawings Light Down and Right ┌

Alt + 218

Full Block █

Alt + 219

Lower Half Block ▄

Alt + 220

Left Half Block ▌

Alt + 221

Right Half Block ▐

Alt + 222

Upper Half Block ▀

Alt + 223

Alpha α

Alt + 224

Eszett ß

Alt + 225

Gamma Γ

Alt + 226

Pi π

Alt + 227

Sigma Σ

Alt + 228

Sigma  σ

Alt + 229

Mu µ

Alt + 230

Torque τ

Alt + 231

Phi Φ

Alt + 232

Theta Φ

Alt + 233

Omega Ω

Alt + 234

Delta δ

Alt + 235

Infinity ∞

Alt + 236

Phi φ

Alt + 237

Epsilon ε

Alt + 238

Intersection ∩

Alt + 239

Triple Bar ≡

Alt + 240

Plus Minus ±

Alt + 241

Greater than or Equal to ≥

Alt + 242

Less than or Equal to ≤

Alt + 243

Top Half Integral ⌠

Alt + 244

Bottom Half Integral ⌡

Alt + 245

Approximate ≈

Alt + 247

Degree °

Alt + 248

Bullet Operator ∙

Alt + 249

Bold Middot ·

Alt + 250

Square Root √

Alt + 251

Superscript Latin Small Letter n ⁿ

Alt + 252

Black Square ■

Alt + 254

Euro €

Alt + 0128

Apostrophe ‘

Alt + 0130

Quotation Mark „

Alt + 0132

Horizontal Ellipses …

Alt + 0133

Dagger/Obelisk/Obelus †

Alt + 0134

Dagger ‡

Alt + 0135

Per Mille

Alt + 0137

Latin Small Letter S with Caron Š

Alt + 0138

Single Left Pointing Angle Quotation Mark ‹

Alt + 0139

Ligature of O and E Œ

Alt + 0140

Latin Capital Letter Z with Caron Ž

Alt + 0142

Left Single Quote Mark ‘

Alt + 0145

Right Single Quote Mark ’

Alt + 0146

Left Double Quotation Mark “

Alt + 0147

Right Double Quotation Mark ”

Alt + 0148

Em Dash —

Alt + 0151

Trademark Symbol ™

Alt + 0153

Latin Small ‘s’ With Caron

Alt + 0154

Single Right Pointing Angle Quotation Mark ›

Alt + 0155

Lowercase Ligature of Letters ‘o’ and ‘e’ œ

Alt + 0156

Latin Small Letter ‘z’  with Caron ž

Alt + 0158

Latin Small Letter ‘y’ With Diaeresis

Alt + 0159

Currency Sign/Symbol ¤

Alt + 0164

Broken Bar ¦

Alt + 0166

Diaeresis ¨

Alt + 0168

Copyright ©

Alt + 0169

Squared Symbol ²

Alt + 0178

Cubed Symbol ³

Alt + 0179

Tilde ´

Alt + 0180

Diacritical Mark ¸

Alt + 0184

Superscript 1 ¹

Alt + 0185

Vulgar Fraction One Quarter ¼

Alt + 0188

Vulgar Fraction One Half ½

Alt + 0189

Vulgar Fraction Three Quarter ¾

Alt + 0190

Grave Accent À

Alt + 0192

Capital ‘A’ Accute Accent Á

Alt + 0193

Capital ‘A’ with Circumflex Â

Alt + 0194

Capital ‘A’ with Tilde Ã

Alt + 0195

Capital ‘A’ with Two Dots/Diaeresis Ä

Alt + 0196

Capital ‘A’ With a Ring Å                  

Alt + 0197

Combined ‘AE’ Letter Æ

Alt + 0198

Capital Letter C with Cedilla

Alt + 0199

Capital ‘E’ Grave Accent È

Alt + 0200

‘Capital ‘E’ Accute Accent É

Alt + 0201

Capital E with Circumflex Ê

Alt + 0202

Capital E with Two Dots/Diaeresis Ë

Alt + 0203

Capital ‘I’ with Grave Accent Ì

Alt + 0204

Capital ‘I’ with Accute Accent Í

Alt + 0205

Capital ‘I’ with Circumflex Î

Alt + 0206

Capital ‘I’ with Two Dots/Diaeresis Ï

Alt + 0207

Icelandic eth Ð

Alt + 0208

Capital ‘O’ Grave Accent Ò

Alt + 0210

Capital ‘O’ Acute Accent Ó

Alt + 0211

Capital ‘O’ with Circumflex Ô

Alt + 0212

Capital ‘O’ with Tilde Õ

Alt + 0213

Capital ‘O’ with Two Dots/Diaeresis Ö

Alt + 0214

Multiplication Sign ×

Alt + 0215

Slashed Zero/Diameter (Ø)

Alt + 0216

Capital ‘U’ with Grave Accent Ù

Alt + 0217

Capital ‘U’ with Accute Accent Ú

Alt + 0218

Capital ‘U’ with Circumflex Û

Alt + 0219

Capital ‘U’ with Two Dots/Diaeresis Ü

Alt + 0220

Y with Acute Accent Ý

Alt + 0221

Thorn Letter Þ

Alt + 0222

Beta ß

Alt + 0223

Small ‘a’ with Grave Accent à

Alt + 0224

Small ‘a’ with Acute Accent á

Alt + 0225

Small ‘a’ with Circumflex â

Alt + 0226

Small ‘a’ with Tilde ã

Alt + 0227

Small ‘a’ with Two Dots/Diaeresis ä

Alt + 0228

Small ‘a’ with Ring å

Alt + 0229

Combined small ‘a e’ Letters æ

Alt + 0230

Small ‘c’ with Cedilla ç

Alt + 0231

Small ‘e’ Grave Accent è

Alt + 0232

Small ‘e’ Acute Accent é

Alt + 0233

Small ‘e’ with Circumflex ê

Alt + 0234

Small ‘e’ with Two Dots/Diaereses ë

Alt + 0235

Grave Accent ‘i’ ì

Alt + 0236

Acute Accent ‘i’ í

Alt + 0237

Small ‘i’ with Circumflex î

Alt + 0238

Small ‘i’ with Two Dots/Diaeresis ï

Alt + 0239

Small ‘o’ with Grave Accent ò

Alt + 0242

Small ‘o’ with Acute Accent ó

Alt + 0243

Small ‘o’ with Circumflex ô

Alt + 0244

Small ‘o’ with Tilde õ

Alt + 0245

Small ‘o’ with Two Dots/Diaeresis ö

Alt + 0246

Small ‘u’ with Grave Accent ù

Alt + 0249

Small ‘u’ with Acute Accent ú

Alt + 0250

Small ‘u’ with Circumflex û

Alt + 0251

Small ‘u’ with Two Dots/Diaeresis ü

Alt + 0252

Small ‘y’ with Acute Accent ý

Alt + 0253

Small ‘y’ with Two Dots/Diaeresis ÿ

Alt + 0255

Source :

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