How to write/type down pointing triangle symbols/emojis on keyboard- Alt + 31

Typing the Down-pointing triangle symbol/emoji (▼)

This is a detailed guide with several methods you can use to type or insert the down-pointing triangle symbol text anywhere on your PC keyboard, like in Microsoft Word/Excel/PowerPoint or somewhere in your browser like Google Docs.

You’ll learn all the easy methods to get the down-pointing triangle symbol shortcut and alt code.

Let’s get to work without wasting much time.

Quick Guide for typing the Down-pointing triangle symbol (▼)

To make a down-pointing triangle symbol anywhere on your PC or laptop keyboard (like in Microsoft Word or Excel), simply press down the alt key and type 31 using the numeric keypad on the left side of your keyboard.

The table below contains everything you need to know to be able to make a down-pointing triangle symbol on Windows.

Name of Symbol/emoji down-pointing triangle symbol
Symbol Text
Symbol Alt Code 31
Shortcut for Windows Alt + 31

If you are using Windows, the above information is enough for you to make the down-pointing triangle symbol into your Word/Excel document.

However, if you are not satisfied with this quick help, keep reading below as I will explain in detail, how to get the down-pointing triangle symbol text or any other triangle symbol anywhere on your Windows PC like in MS Word/Excel/PowerPoint.

Symbol Description Symbol Alt Code Alt X Code
Triangular Bullet Alt + 8227 2023
Delta Or Increment Alt + 8710 2206
Normal Subgroup Of Alt + 8882 22B2
Contains As Normal Subgroup Alt + 8883 22B3
Right Triangle Alt + 8895 22BF
Bowtie Alt + 8904 22C8
Left Normal Factor Semidirect Product Alt + 8905 22C9
Right Normal Factor Semidirect Product Alt + 8906 22CA
Conical Taper Alt + 9010 2332
Black Down-pointing triangle Alt + 9650 25B2
White Down-pointing triangle Alt + 9651 25B3
Black Up-Pointing Small Triangle Alt + 9652 25B4
White Up-Pointing Small Triangle Alt + 9653 25B5
Black Left Pointing Small Triangle Alt + 9654 25B6
White Right-Pointing Triangle Alt + 9655 25B7
Black Right-Pointing Small Triangle Alt + 9656 25B8
White Right-Pointing Small Triangle Alt + 9657 25B9
Black Right Pointing Triangle Alt + 9658 25BA
White Right-Pointing Pointer Alt + 9659 25BB
Black Down-Pointing Triangle Alt + 9660 25BC
White Down-Pointing Triangle Alt + 9661 25BD
Black Down-Pointing Small Triangle Alt + 9662 25BE
White Down-Pointing Small Triangle Alt + 9663 25BF
Black Right Pointing Small Triangle Alt + 9664 25C0
White Left-Pointing Triangle Alt + 9665 25C1
Black Left-Pointing Small Triangle Alt + 9666 25C2
White Left-Pointing Small Triangle Alt + 9667 25C3
Black Left Pointing Triangle Alt + 9668 25C4
White Left-Pointing Pointer Alt + 9669 25C5
Black Lower Right Triangle Alt + 9698 25E2
Black Lower Left Triangle Alt + 9699 25E3
Black Upper Left Triangle Alt + 9700 25E4
Black Upper Right Triangle Alt + 9701 25E5
White Down-pointing triangle with Dot Alt + 9708 25EC
Down-pointing triangle with Left Half Black Alt + 9709 25ED
Down-pointing triangle with Right Half Black Alt + 9710 25EE
Triangle With Dot Above Alt + 10698 29CA
Triangle With Underbar Alt + 10699 29CB
S In Triangle Alt + 10700 29CC
Triangle With Serifs at Bottom Alt + 10701 29CD
Right Triangle Above Left Triangle Alt + 10702 29CE
Left Triangle Beside Vertical Bar Alt + 10703 29CF
Vertical Bar Beside Right Triangle Alt + 10704 29D0
Bowtie With Left Half Black Alt + 10705 29D1
Bowtie With Right Half Black Alt + 10706 29D2
Black Bowtie Alt + 10707 29D3
Times With Left Half Black Alt + 10708 29D4
Times With Right Half Black Alt + 10709 29D5
White Hourglass Alt + 10710 29D6
Black Hourglass Alt + 10711 29D7
Down-Pointing Triangle with Left Half Black Alt + 10728 29E8
Down-Pointing Triangle with Right Half Black Alt + 10729 29E9
Join Alt + 10781 2A1D
Large Left Triangle Operator Alt + 10782 2A1E
Plus, Sign in Triangle Alt + 10809 2A39
Minus Sign in Triangle Alt + 10810 2A3A
Multiplication Sign in Triangle Alt + 10811 2A3B
Z Notation Domain Antirestriction Alt + 10852 2A64
Z Notation Range Antirestriction Alt + 10853 2A65

As you may already know, there are several dual-purpose keys on the Windows keyboard. That is to say that there are symbols readily available as second keys on the keyboard. Just by pressing two or more keys simultaneously, you can easily insert such symbol into your document. For example, pressing shift + 1 keys give you the exclamation (!) mark.

However, other symbols aren’t printed on the keyboard as second keys. This makes it difficult to type. One of these symbols is the down-pointing triangle symbol text (▼).

Typing becomes very difficult for you if you need to add some of these symbols regularly into your document. But it doesn’t have to be difficult. Especially now that you are reading this detailed step-by-step guide.

How to Make Down-pointing triangle symbol/emoji on your keyboard?

Now, I will show you all the easy ways to type or insert down-pointing triangle symbol anywhere on your Windows PC (such as Word or Excel or PowerPoint).

Without any further delay, below are the methods explained in detail.

Method #1: Typing a Down-pointing triangle symbol/emoji on keyboard

Using Alt code Shortcut for Down-pointing triangle symbol for windows

Windows has several shortcuts for symbols, some of which work only in Microsoft Word. However, there’s a Windows shortcut for the down-pointing triangle symbol that works across all applications. It is the alt code shortcut which is Alt+31.

Now, I’ll further explain the alt code shortcut for the down-pointing triangle symbol.

Method #2: Typing a Down-pointing triangle symbol/emoji on keyboard

Down-pointing triangle symbol Alt Code (Windows)

The Down-pointing triangle sign alt code is 31.

Every symbol in Word has a unique code that you can use to insert the symbol into your document. This code is known as “alt code”.

Below are the steps to type down-pointing triangle symbol on your keyboard by using the alt code mentioned above:

  • Press the num lock key to enable the numeric keypad. Use Fn key + NumLk keys to turn on Num Lock on laptops without the numeric keypad.
  • Press and hold the alt key and type 31 using the numeric keypad.
  • After typing the alt code (i.e., 31), release the [Alt] key.

Once you’ll release the alt key, the down-pointing triangle sign will appear in your document.

Method #3: Typing a down-pointing triangle symbol/emoji on keyboard

Using insert symbol dialog

This approach isn’t as straightforward as the shortcut methods. But it’s fairly simple.

And once you get the symbol into your document, you can always copy and paste it again when you need it into your document.

Below are the steps to insert the down-pointing triangle symbol in Word using the insert symbol dialog.

  • Go to the Insert tab.

Insert tab in Word

  • On the insert tab, click the symbol button and choose more symbol…

These few clicks will bring up the symbol dialog box.

  • Under the symbol’s tab, in the subset drop-down list, type and select private use area. Now, type E2B5 in the character code field. Once you’ll type the character code, you’ll get the down-pointing triangle sign selected.

  • Click on the insert button.
  • Alternatively, double-clicking on the down-pointing triangle sign will also insert the symbol into your document.
  • Click the close button.

This is how you may insert a down-pointing triangle symbol text in Word using the insert symbol dialog.

Method #4: Typing a down-pointing triangle symbol/emoji on keyboard

Word’s AutoCorrect for the Down-pointing triangle symbol Text

You can also type the down-pointing triangle symbol text using the autocorrect feature in Word. It is a feature in MS Word designed for correcting spelling mistakes like thsi to this.

Using this autocorrect feature, you can assign a shortcode to the down-pointing triangle sign (such as DPTT). This way, whenever you type the text DPTT, Word will think that you actually wanted to type ▼ and will convert it into the down-pointing triangle symbol for you automatically.

  • Click add, and then hit the OK button.

Now, word will automatically insert the down-pointing triangle symbol into your document whenever you type DPTT.

Things you should remember before using the autocorrect feature in Word

Below are some things to take into consideration when you are using the autocorrect method to insert the down-pointing triangle sign.

  • Autocorrect is case-sensitive. Meaning if you type dptt (in lowercase), Word will not convert it into the down-pointing triangle unless you type DPTT (in uppercase).
  • If there is any text before or after the autocorrect text, Word will consider the autocorrect text as part of the text and hence will not convert it to the down-pointing symbol. For example, GetDPTT (without space) will not get converted, but Get DPTT (with space) will get converted to Get ▼.

Method #5: Typing a down-pointing triangle symbol/emoji on keyboard

Copy and paste the down-pointing triangle symbol text

You can simply copy the down-pointing triangle sign given below and paste it into your document.

My favorite method for inserting symbol which I can’t easily type is copy and paste.

With this method, all you need to do is google the symbol you need to type, then copy it from one of the search results provided. Once you get the symbol into your document, you can always recopy and paste it as and when the need arises.

There is another way to copy this and any other symbol on Windows. It involves using the Windows character map.

Obey the steps below to copy and paste any symbol using the character map.

  • Search for the character map app by clicking on the start button.

  • The character map app will show up in the search results. Click on it to launch.
  • After the character map window opens up, click to check the advance view checkbox to expand the window for more advanced options.

  • On the advanced view section, type down-pointing triangle in the search box.

  • The symbol you searched for (i.e., the down-pointing triangle) will now appear on the character map. Double click on it to select it. You’ll see that the symbol appears in the characters to copy the text box. This allows you to select and copy several symbols at the same time.
  • After selecting the symbol, you wish to copy, click on the copy button.
  • Switch over to wherever you need the symbol, whether in MS Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, and press Ctrl + V to paste.

This is how you may copy and paste the down-pointing triangle symbol using the character map on Windows.

Method #6: Typing a Down-pointing triangle symbol/emoji on keyboard


To add the down-pointing triangle symbol in HTML, you can use an HTML entity, an HTML code (decimal), and a Hex code. Use the shortcode section to copy the various shortcodes for the down-pointing triangle sign. Here is the example:



To add the down-pointing triangle sign in CSS, you can use a CSS entity or CSS shortcode. Use the shortcode section to copy the CSS code for the down-pointing triangle symbol.

Here is the example:

span {
  content: "\25BC";


As you can see, these are the various ways you can use to type the down-pointing triangle symbol text in Word/Excel with or without using the keyboard.

My favorite method is using the copy and paste method followed by the down-pointing triangle symbol shortcut in Word. The alt code method also comes handy.

For any comments or questions about this down-pointing triangle symbol guide, please let me know in the comments section below.

Source :

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