How to reduce carbon footprint

How to reduce your carbon footprint. How to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

directions_car directions_bus flightTransportation

ac_unit Heating & cooling

  • wb_sunny Install solar water heater system
  • home Insulate your house
  • home Install window shutters
  • home Install double glazing windows.
  • home Close windows and doors (except for ventilation)
  • ac_unit Prefer A/C heating to electric/gas/wood heating
  • ac_unit Prefer gas heating to wood/coal
  • home Consider to cover your roof with plants
  • home Consider to cover your roof with white paint/cover at summer
  • ac_unit Prefer fan to A/C
  • ac_unit Prefer local heating/cooling to global
  • ac_unit Set A/C's thermostat to moderate temperature
  • ac_unit Use A/C heating instead of electric heater
  • ac_unit Use A/C locally in the room instead of the whole house
  • ac_unit Clean A/C's filters
  • ac_unit Wear clothes that fit the current temperature
  • ac_unit Wear thick clothes to keep warm
  • ac_unit Wear lite clothes to keep cool
  • settings_power Lower water heater temperature to around 122°F
  • ac_unit Use water heat pump
  • free_breakfast Drink cold water when hot & warm drinks when cold

kitchen Appliances

lightbulb_outline Lighting

shopping_cart Shopping

restaurant Food

naturedescription Wood

Reduce carbon dioxide emissions

  • thumb_up Support carbon tax
  • Carbon tax should replace sales tax and increase the demand to low carbon emissions products. The amount of the carbon tax should be proportional to the carbon emissions of the product.
  • how_to_vote Vote for environmental friendly candidates
  • $$$ Don't invest in oil/coal companies
  • Supporting oil/coal companies might increase oil and coal usage.
  • autorenew Recycle waste materials
  • If exist in your city, sort your waste to specific recycle bins - papers, bottles, glass, compost...

Electricity Sources

  • autorenew Use electricity from renewable sources.
  • wb_sunny Install solar panels on your roof to generate electricity.
  • wb_sunny Clean your solar panels regulary to increase panel efficiency.


The trace of the greenhouse gases produced by human activities are known as the carbon footprint. This environmental indicator measures both direct and indirect emissions of compounds like methane (CH4), nitrogen oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) and, above all, the most abundant and most important contributor to global warming since 1990: Carbon dioxide (CO2).

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) says that the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere reached a record high in 2019 and that today's levels of atmospheric CO2 are comparable to those of more than three million years ago, when the earth's thermometer marked a temperature about 3°C higher and sea levels were 10 to 20 metres higher than they are today. According to the Global Footprint Network, so far, the carbon footprint has not stopped growing. In fact it has increased elevenfold since 1961 and now accounts for 60 % of man's total impact on the environment.


Your personal carbon footprint is what you leave behind as a result of moving about, consuming, eating and using resources like energy. Environmental NGO The Nature Conservancy estimates that each inhabitant on the planet produces an average of almost four tons of CO2 every year, while in countries like the United States this amount is up to four times that per person and per year.

The Nature Conservancy says that we all need to reduce our carbon footprints to less than two tons per year by 2050. The experts say that this is the best way to ensure that temperatures stop rising and don't reach the dreaded 2 °C threshold, which would exacerbate climate change and transform it into an irreversible problem.

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