Below is the answer and explanation for scenario: you want to target an audience that visits popular marketing websites, such as marketing land and ad age. Which targeting strategy should you use?
Scenario: you want to target an audience that visits popular marketing websites, such as marketing land and ad age. Which targeting strategy should you use?
Below is the answer and explanation for what is the difference between pixel-based retargeting and list-based retargeting? Select all the apply.
What is the difference between pixel-based retargeting and list-based retargeting? Select all the apply.
Pixel-based retargeting is for anonymous site visitors, list-based retargeting i...
Below is the answer and explanation for fill in the blank: retargeting an example of targeting.
Fill in the blank: retargeting an example of targeting.
Behavioral. ✅
Below is the answer and explanation for scenario: your business wants to advertise to a local audience. Which targeting strategy should you use?
Scenario: your business wants to advertise to a local audience. Which targeting strategy should you use?
Contextual targeting.
Dynamický remarketing je důležitou součástí PPC marketingu. Zdaleka ne všichnni inzerenti s ním však pracují, protože se jedná o druh reklamy, který může při špatném nastavení zákazníky od nákupu odradit.
Co je to dynamický remarketing
Zákazníci si před koupí vašeho zboží nabízené produkty většinou několikrát prohlédnou, často chodí z jednoho webu na druhý, poro...