Below is the answer and explanation for Mary has been familiarizing herself with the different ad components of a text ad. Match the following text ad component descriptions with the components they describe.
Mary has been familiarizing herself with the different ad components of a text ad. Match the following text ad component descriptions with the components they d...
Below is the answer and explanation for your Google search text ad has three main components. The first is a headline, and the second is a description. What’s the third component?
Your Google search text ad has three main components. The first is a headline, and the second is a description. What’s the third component?
The promotion behind your advertise...
Below is the answer and explanation for when creating an ad, how does Greg know what it will look like to his potential customers?
When creating an ad, how does Greg know what it will look like to his potential customers?
Google provides examples of desktop ads using the keywords selected in the campaign to create a generic preview.
Greg can se...
Below is the answer and explanation for when you have multliple images to support different creative sizes within a single profile, what action should be taken?
When you have multliple images to support different creative sizes within a single profile, what action should be taken?
Use a single image and studio will resize automatical...
Below is the answer and explanation for a standard Google ads text ad is made up of:
A standard Google ads text ad is made up of:
A display URL and description text.
A headline, image, and description text.
A headline and description text.
A headline, a display URL, and description text. ✅
Below is the answer and explanation for your Google search text ad has three main components. The first is a headline, and the second is a description. What’s the third component?
Your Google search text ad has three main components. The first is a headline, and the second is a description. What’s the third component?
The promotion behind your advertise...
Below is the answer and explanation for which are the three required parts of a text ad?
Which are the three required parts of a text ad?
Description, path fields and headline.
Description, path fields and URL.
Headline, description and path fields.
Headline, description and URL. ✅
Below is the answer and explanation for Mary wants to run a text ad on the Google search network. She’s new to text ads and needs to start with the basics. What are the three components of a text ad on the Google search network that Mary will need to know?
Mary wants to run a text ad on the Google search network. She’s new to text ads and needs to start with the basi...
Below is the answer and explanation for when creating a text ad for the search network, advertisers will need to include three distinct components. These include the headline and the URL. What else must the advertiser include?
When creating a text ad for the search network, advertisers will need to include three distinct components. These include the headline and the...
Below is the answer and explanation for what should your search ad have in order to promote more clicks?
What should your search ad have in order to promote more clicks?
A call to action. ✅
A catchy headline.
A close-up photo.
A social media l...