Tags Data

Why doesn’t machine learning happen immediately after starting a Google App campaign?

Below is the answer and explanation for why doesn’t machine learning happen immediately after starting a Google app campaign? Why doesn’t machine learning happen immediately after starting a Google app campaign? The system starts by learning from manual management. Manual input is needed from Google employees. Other campaigns in the account need to be ana...

Which two options are benefits of using Google Analytics for Firebase? (Choose two.) Select All Correct Responses

Below is the answer and explanation for which two options are benefits of using Google analytics for firebase? Which two options are benefits of using Google analytics for firebase? There’s no need to implement an SDK. It provides a simple Android-only solution. It provides automatic setup and out-of-the-box reporting. ✅

What two things are essential for a Google App campaign to run smoothly and successfully? (Choose two.) Select All Correct Responses

Below is the answer a explanation for what two things are essential for a Google app campaign to run smoothly and successfully? What two things are essential for a Google app campaign to run smoothly and successfully? HTML5 assets. Bid changes. Data. ✅ Time.✅ Correct answ...

What do “counters” measure in Studio?

Below is the answer and explanation for what do “counters” measure in studio? What do “counters” measure in studio? Elapsed time interacting with a creative element. Length of time a video creative is played. Number of times an action is taken within a creative. ✅ Number of users that did not interact w...

Data for your client shows that more estimated total conversions are coming from mobile devices versus computers and tablets.

Below is the answer and explanation for data for your client shows that more estimated total conversions are coming from mobile devices versus computers and tablets. Data for your client shows that more estimated total conversions are coming from mobile devices versus computers and tablets. Use target search page location to help get your client’s ads t...

Data x datumy

Jak je to s těmi daty / datumy? Skloňování některých slov je v češtině opravdu složité, když to srovnáme například s angličtinou. Tento článek vám však pomůže, udělat si v tom jasno. Správně je data a někdy i datumy Podstatné jméno datum patří k přejatým slovům, která řadíme ke střednímu rodu a skloňujeme je podle vzoru město


Definition: Bandwidth refers to the maximum amount of data that is transferable over time through a communicational network. Bandwidth measures in Kilobits per second (kbps). Information: Differences between bandwidth and data transfer often cause misperceptions. Data transfer refers to the sum, while the other...


Definition: Data represented in the form of a graph whereby different levels of the same metric are displayed in color. Information: People’s interaction with the different sections of a web page is commonly shown by web-based marketers through heatmaps. It can either be mouse-tracking, click-tracking, or eye-tracking, etc. Dark red is assigned to the most visited web-p...

Data Transfer

Definition: It is the overall quantity of outgoing traffic coming from a website, mostly calculated in gigabytes (GB). Information: It generally omits email. It is important to note the dissimilarity between data transfer and bandwidth as it can be confusing. Data transfer refers to a sum total whereas bandwidth refers to an estimate. An example is purchasing 128...

Which of the following is NOT an important reason to familiarize yourself with available settings?

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following is not an important reason to familiarize yourself with available settings? Which of the following is not an important reason to familiarize yourself with available settings? Some templates are coded exclusively in settings. ✅ ...
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